Chandalee is a teacher at heart - She loves a good list, a good spreadsheet or a good graphic that succinctly describes or explains hard concepts! God's created her with a heart for learning and a gift for teaching. She hopes she can share some of what He's teaching her with you!
Would you consider hosting her at your church or women's group to share tools that cultivate an atmosphere of learning and confidence in consistency implementing the spiritual disciplines?
After many years of teaching Bible studies and leading discipleship groups, Chandalee has repeatedly heard women say they struggle to pray or study the Bible; they don’t know what to say, how to create the habit or how to stay consistent in their conversations with the Lord and in His Word. Throughout small groups settings, she has shared the individual components of the spiritual habits. Chandalee desires to give her discipleship girls (and you) daily, hands-on tools to create the practice of spiritual disciplines in their (and your) lives.
As she teaches, Chandalee customizes her lessons to the level of engagement your group needs. It is her greatest hope and joy that you will draw near to God in a way that you never have before. She prays that she is allowed to engage with you, helping you learn to develop a deep, abiding love affair with the One who carries you from the mountain tops to the valley trenches.

How Do I Study the Bible?
Do your women say they don't know how to study the Bible? This workshop teaches basic components of Bible study and gives tools and suggestions to practice the habit of study.

How Do I Become an Effective Pray(er)?
Are you or your women strugglng to pray? Many women say they don't know how to pray, what to say or how to stay consistent. This workshop teaches six basic components of prayer and gives tools and suggestions to practice the habit of prayer.

How Do I Disciple?
Go and Make Disciples ... how do we do that?? This workshop teaches why discipleship is important, a basic strategy of discipleship, and gives suggestions on how to develop bonds and lead discipleship groups.

Retreats and Custom Sessions
Topic and theme based on your event and what your group's needs are.
--Leighann McCoy, Author and Founder of The Prayer Clinic
--Jennifer Hand, Author and Founder of Coming Alive Ministries
--Brenda, Discipleship Group Participant
--Heather, Discipleship Group Leader
--Patrick, Discipleship Group Leader
--Brittney, Discipleship Group Participant
--Jenn, Discipleship Group Leader
--Lauren, Discipleship Group Leader
--Stephen, Discipleship Group Leader
--Grace, Bible Study Group Participant
--Ashley, Retreat Attendee